So, 10 months after that it is!
Sara and I have experienced a huge transition in our lives, to say the least. The learning curve has been "steep" as we dive into a new culture and all that comes with this new and fascinating environment. This writing will attempt to briefly share with y'all the experiences we have lived through in these past months. I will share more of our past and future as we transition to a weekly posting of events. But, for now, let's play "catch-up".
September of 2008, Sara and I interviewed with the Presbyterian Church (USA) for possible positions within their Global Mission programs. In October we were offered a "Partnership and Delegation Coordinators" position in Lima Peru. Returning from a mission project in Mexico, November 9, the work of placing my contracting business, Zapata Builders, and my investment marketing business, Simpleventure, into a deep sleep began. Listing the house in Peralta was not an easy decision, but a necessary one. Storing my tools, selling my Dodge truck, Sara's Passat, giving away "stuff" and having friends take care of our "keeps' (SW art work, furniture, tools, sport gear, Land Cruiser, Chevy & toys for us old guys)....well, some days were good and some, no. In one week we had a cash offer (close enough to our asking price) for our house. Christmas and the house was empty, we were headed for a place we've never been. Cool! Well, yes, but first....
After Christmas we went to visit friends in Colorado that were renting our house. This home in Zapata is the "keeper" not just for the solitude and views, but because of our friends who live in and near that community. A friend in Albuquerque baby sat Cinco the cat and our friend Forrest took care of Jenni the dog for the next couple months.....thank you!
It's January 4 and we arrived in Toronto, Canada for mission and cultural awareness training. I will post more about this later, but I assure you that this was very well organized and presented. So much of what I learned at this event has been very useful as we explore the vast cultural differences within the Peruvian communities.
From Toronto, Sara and I traveled to Louisville Ky for what I will call "corporate training" at the Presbyterian Church (USA) Global Mission Office. PC(USA) has a very professional, efficient and fun group that are incredibly dedicated to their faith in Jesus Christ and His call to the challenges of mission service.
We traveled to visit Sara's parents in Ithaca, NY, Sara's sister Alison and family in San Jose, CA, to visit my sisters Bobbye and Mary in Aztec, NM, my brother Roger in Raton, NM......finally back to our Colorado home. Two weeks of packing, storing, getting doggy and kitty flight tickets, and saying our "see ya' later" was stressful. But we cherished the sunsets!
And we did meet some great folks from that neighborhood that are still some of our best friends. But, the apartment was small. So the hunt began and within a few weeks we found the house that we are currently living in now. Still within Pueblo Libre this home has a nice front patio and wonderful small yard in the back. Jenni and Cinco both approve of the change. to listen. As I began searching for language classes Sara began the work of introducing us and meeting our partners here in Peru. We were invited to Peru by the Evangelical Presbyterian Reformed Church of Peru (IEPRP) and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (IEP). More about "why" this position was invited here in a different blog. There are 160 +/- churches and other NGO's that we will be working with and job 1 is to meet the players and start building the network, so we thought. But, soon after arriving here we began to hear a common theme, not from the church leadership, but from the pews. We need................................
So, our strategy changed to LISTEN. Listen to the leaders, listen to the communities, listen. We began to introduce ourselves saying "we are not missionaries. You, the workers in the Peruvian church are the missionaries. We are here to support your efforts, but hear me. I did not bring my checkbook." We get an applause every time. Because its true. We came to listen and to help them help themselves.
Spanish is a challenge. A)...I'm deaf and these dudes mumble, their lips don't move when they speak. B)....I am a physical guy and sitting in a classroom for 6 + hours a day is brutal. So after 12 ? weeks of class, I am out on the street using my new skill set, getting some weird looks and entertaining most everyone. In a couple weeks I will return to a structured 4 hour class for 3 days a week.
We traveled to Iquitos to witness the reconciliation of church leadership and respected communities. The Amazon river is truly amazing, as are the people who live by its side.
Two days ago, we returned from a week of travel to Pucallpa, Yarinacocha and other Shipibo communities on the Ucayali River. I am going to link Colleen Dyble's blog site to this article. She traveled with Sara and me on this trip and has written a excellent account about this latest adventure. Colleen works in micro-loan programs providing opportunities for those folks with the greatest of need within the free trade market. It is fascinating. A great work worthy of support.
So here is where I will leave the post for now. Sara and I are preparing for our travels to the Synod of the Selva meeting in Pichari. An 9 hour bus ride to Ayacucho, spend the night and leave for a 8 to 10 hour car ride into the jungle for a 3 day meeting, to listen...............................
Russell,you have not lost your writing skills, my friend! Keep up the good work, you two!! We miss you lots but are happy for your successes.
Randy & I are wondering... Is "what a hoot" good or bad?